Repair, maintenance and safety film
Safety film can be a quick, easy and cost effective application to converts non safety glass to safety glass to meet the relevant British standard BS EN12600 Class 2B2/F and the workplace health, safety and welfare regulations 1992.
It can be very cost effective compared to replacing the glass it’s a very usefully installation in many situations including schools, older properties, and any public place where glazing was installed before the introduction of safety glasses. Please contact for more information.
Including. Replacement closers, top arm sets, bottom pivots, re adjustment, security upgrades, hinges, sweated locks, setting up, replacement glass, upgrades ,handles, locking mechanisms, Teleflex ,gear, as well as replacement of missing parts. Please contact for more information.
Includes replacement hinges, handles, locking mechanisms, failed glass units, re adjustment, setting up, glass replacement, cylinders , silicone replacement, security upgrades, Teleflex gear, obscuring film as well as replacing missing parts. Please contact for more information.